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Heart of the Nation has an ambitious vision, but our mission is clear.
We can only achieve our goals with your help.

Our goal is to save over 7,000 lives each year by improving the community's access to 

life-saving skills and tools that make up the Chain of Survival.


Currently, our funding comes from private donations and a small margin on select products.


Your donation will go directly towards supporting our primary initiatives and furthering our cause.

We deliver initiatives that empower Australians to use the skills and tools to save lives through:

• increasing the awareness and ability of all Australians to perform CPR
• increasing the availability of publicly accessible automated external defibrillators (AED’s) and the public’s ability to locate them and confidently use them;

• improving visibility of AEDs through improved signage and cabinets
• delivery of evidence-based research
• passionately advocating to further the case for support from Government that will further our mission.

Heart of the Nation's Mission is to empower every Australian

to understand that any attempt at resuscitation is better than none.

By supporting communities to complete the Chain of Survival,

we turn bystanders into responders,

giving the public confidence to recognise cardiac arrest,

perform CPR and identify and access an AED in time of need.

We are dedicated to increasing the survival rate from Sudden Cardiac Arrest by implementing initiatives

and programs that align with our mission statement.

With your support, we can make a significant impact and achieve our goal.


It's important to note that neither our founder, Greg Page,

nor any of our Board Members draw a salary for their work with the charity.

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